Pinecrest Academy South Charter School
AdvancED STEM Certification

Indicator 1.4
Self-Assessment Rating: 3
In addition to computer programs, students at PAC are taught how to conduct online research and use programs such as PowerPoint, Google Slides, and SWAY to create presentations. Students not only conduct research related to STEM, such as identifying different types of bridges or perhaps discovering the best materials to provide insulation but they also research topics such as Black History, Hispanic Heritage, careers and present their findings to the class. Teachers alike, utilize these programs to display lesson vocabulary with pictures, innovative and interactive games such as Jeopardy that is tailored to the subject taught, and present information in a more organized manner.
The PACology Club is tailored to teach students about the use of technology in the everyday world. This club enrolls a wide range of students since membership is on a quarterly basis.
Through PLTW Launch (Project Lead the Way), our kindergarten through fifth grade students learn to solve problems, demonstrate creativity, think critically and collaborate with their classmates. Each module starts with an e-book story that provides students with problems they need to solve. Students use applications such as Poplet, Canvas, Show Me Interactive Whiteboad, and Kahoot to successfully implement the Engineering Design Process.
One area that often presents a challenge for our teachers and learners is conducting research in the primary grades. Kindergarten and first grade teachers often have difficulties achieving this because our youngest of learners need continuous guidance. The first grade team has remedied this by providing students with a list of pre-researched websites for them to visit and learn more about their STEM project. This takes a lot of preparation, planning and effort to achieve. We will continue to find ways to help support and facilitate STEM learning at PAC. Please click here for the video that showcases the commencement of our STEM Program at Pinecrest Academy South.

Technology plays an important role in teaching and learning at PAC. With computer stations in every classroom, a computer lab consisting of 26 computers, three laptop carts and one iPad cart, our teachers and students are able to use technology on a daily basis. Students at Pinecrest Academy South are challenged through a rigorous curriculum that utilizes the integration of STEM in our program of study and after school activities. A STEM project or unit cannot be complete without the usage of technology.

Students and teachers have access to various computer programs that are designed to remediate and accelerate learning. Renaissance Accelerated Reader and STAR Reading, MyOn Reader, Reading Plus and iReady are all programs that provide students with valuable reading practice whether it be to build vocabulary, fluency or comprehension. These programs are crucial in STEM learning as our students become fluent readers and utilize their knowledge to communicate in both written and verbal forms.

At times we may be unable to attend field trips due to time constraints, weather, or cost. On these occasions, we conduct and schedule in-house field trips. In previous years, we have partnered with the Frost Science Museum and they have come out to our school as part of their outreach laboratory program. In one of the laboratories, the students were able to design and test a roller coaster made from pool noodles.
We have also worked together with STEAM City Kids to collaborate on virtual experiences and remote labs for our students. This year, the students in fourth grade were able to enter a planetarium and travel through space all in the comfort of our school gymnasium.

Students have the opportunity to utilize technology resources within their respective classrooms, as part of their home learning, and in their after-school clubs. Our robotics team works consistently to collaborate and demonstrate their creative thinking depending on challenges presented. We are proud to have been part of the Miami Heat Dribble Challenge. Our elementary students competed with the high school students and won the challenge. This video showcases part of the challenge.
These prototypes started as research through collaboration.
Students use Wordly Wise quizzes online to practice new vocabulary. Quite often, these vocabulary words are part of a cross-cutting competency. Mathematics computer programs such as Reflex Math, IXL Math, and GoMath online allows students to practice their math fluency, review pre-requisite skills, and practice new concepts learned. These math programs provide teachers with data that is used to guide instruction and provide remediation. Science teachers and students enjoy problem solving and critical thinking while using the virtual interactive simulations offered by Gizmos through www.explorelearning.com. Additionally, IXL Science
and Power My Learning also immerse students in learning through technology whether at school or at home. Studies Weekly Online has videos, articles, and games aligned to the content taught. BrainPop, BrainPop, Jr. and Safari Montage engage students through videos on various topics across the curriculum.
STEAM City Kids bringing us a virtual remote planetarium.
RoboPirates attending the Miami Heat Dribble Challenge.